

Science has proven that matter is 99.999999999999% empty space. And what makes up this empty space: energy. Energy is everything, and everything is energy. You, the chair you’re sitting on, the phone you’re holding, and the crystals you know and love – all of it is vibrating energy.

Just like everything else in the universe, we each have our own unique vibrational frequency. People with higher vibrations radiate kindness, love, peace, and compassion, whereas people with lower vibrations experience more low-vibe emotions like jealousy, anxiety, anger, or fear.

Whatever frequency you’re at, as a human, your vibration is very unstable and very easily influenced. It changes constantly as we’re exposed to other people, social media, the news, traffic, the weather, good news, bad news, our own memories, etc.

Crystals, on the other hand, have a super stable energy frequency that doesn’t change. Why? They’re made up of a fixed, regularly repeating, perfect geometric pattern of molecules. And they maintain their perfect stability with no effort. Exactly the opposite of our constantly changing, non-stable human nature.

Crystals are comprised of their own frequency and energy. No crystal is the same, and that's the beauty of it. Here on Earth, we are vibrating on a 7.83Hz, while crystals essentially vibrate up to 244.5Mhz if not more. Just from that alone, you can see how high vibrational crystals are.

So why does the stability of a crystal matter? Well, more stable energy = more powerful energy. And powerful energy can influence the energies around it.  This is why crystals can so profoundly influence our unstable (less powerful) energy.  

Crystals are more powerful than what we can possibly imagine. They have been here for millions of years and have reached what we can call a perfect form. They can store, receive and emit energies.

In 1964 The United States air force analyses how crystals are used to create an oscillator circuit which can produce a frequency with very good stability. Having a frequency with good stability is very important. Without frequency stability the signal of radio stations can interfere with other radio stations operating on a nearby frequency.

If crystals can have such an impact on the frequency of radio waves, Imagine what it can do a person.  People are constantly emitting signals with their thoughts . The human soul in constantly vibrating and creating a frequency with their thoughts (consciously our subconsciously).  That’s why is very important to be aware of your thoughts and avoid thinking negative. If you think negative all the time, you will attract that frequency into your life and it will become your reality. If you think positive, you reach a higher quality frequency and your dreams start becoming true.  People use crystals to intensify their positive frequency with their thoughts. Crystals can help you create a more clear, positive, stronger and precise frequency to help you achieve your goals.


Crystals work best if they’re not left to do all the work by themselves. For the highest benefit, pair the crystal’s natural energy with your own clear thoughts and intentions. It’s proven that where thought goes, energy flows. So, use your crystals to AMPLIFY your positive thoughts and intentions. 


Chakras are the seven energetic centers in the body. They’re each connected with different organs and functions in our mind, body, and spirit. The lowest chakra  (the root chakra), has the lowest vibrational frequency and its qualities mirror this. It’s concerned with the basic elements of existence, primarily with your safety and physical survival. As you move up the chakra system, you move from the more fundamental emotions to the deeper, higher vibration feelings of joy, love, and creativity. Your chakras can become imbalanced based on influences/experiences in our lives. These imbalances may show up as a physical symptom, emotional disruption, or mental ailment. 

This is where crystals come in. They can help rebalance any misalignment. Returning your energetic centers to the frequencies they're meant to vibrate at. Keep reading for our ethically-sourced crystal recommendations for each chakra. 


Root Chakra- Vibrational Frequency 432Hz 

Connection with the earth, your physical survival, and safety.

Root Chakra Crystals: Smoky Quartz and Tourmaline. Smoky Quartz helps us feel grounded in our physical body and connected to the earth. Its helps release and neutralize negative energy. Tourmaline helps you feel safe, grounded, and secure in your place on this earth.  


Sacral Chakra- Vibrational Frequency 480Hz

The creative life force energy that makes you human.

Sacral Chakra Crystal: Citrine magnifies our manifestations and helps reconnect us with our divine feminine energy. Tthe center of our emotions, sexual energy, and sacred creativity.


Solar Plexus Chakra- Vibrational Frequency 528Hz

The seat of your personal power. The internal wisdom and confidence within you.

Solar Plexus Chakra Crystal: Citrine is known as the Success Stone for good reason. It clears out self-doubt and brings forth feelings of confidence and personal power. 


Heart Chakra- Vibrational Frequency 594Hz

Love and compassion for yourself and others.

Heart Chakra Crystals: Rose Quartz and Fluorite. Rose quartz helps awaken love and compassion for ourselves and for others. Green Fluorite is energetically matched to the heart chakra and helps to clear any blockages or imbalances. 


Throat Chakra- Vibrational Frequency 672Hz

This chakra allows us to speak our truth with clarity, love, and kindness.

Throat Chakra Crystal: Opalite


Third Eye Chakra- Vibrational Frequency 720Hz

Youur connection to your intuition and information beyond the material world.

Third Eye Crystal: Herkimer Lepidolite. The Herkimer/ Lepidolite Diamond is an incredibly high-vibe stone that helps open our awareness to the wisdom of consciousness. When our Third Eye is open, we see clearly and understand easily. Known as he Peace stone, Lepidolite helps stabilize internal strife and connect us to our calm, all-knowing intuition. 


Crown Chakra- Vibrational Frequency 768Hz

Connection to consciousness, all that is.

Crown Chakra Crystals: Amethyst and Clear Quartz. Amethyst helps connect us with infinite consciousness. The pure white light and all-knowing wisdom that’s always available to us. Clear Quartz helps open the Crown Chakra and align you with your highest self. 



Incompatible minerals are those that neutralize, or on the contrary, overly enhance the properties and actions of each other. Such minerals, as a rule, are not very harmful to the person, but they also do not bring benefits. In other words, such stones have no active properties.

The main reason is that some stones can not work together, their beneficial properties are suppressed and they stop radiating healing energy. Some minerals do not harmonize together, it has a bad effect on the harmonious state of a person.

1. Clear Quartz and stones with powerful properties

Quartz amplifies the energy of minerals nearby, so it is not recommended for use with strong minerals. For example, moonstone has powerful soothing properties, and Quartz will amplify Moonstone. It will turn out that you simply will not have enough energy. Or, for example, if you use Quartz with Citrine, you will get, on the contrary, too much energy, which will prevent you from concentrating on one thing.

2. Blue Lace Agate and Red Jasper

Blue lace agate relaxes and allows one to slow down, while Red Jasper is used to increase vitality. Therefore, these stones should not be used together, they will neutralize each other's effects.

3. Smoky Quartz and Blue Tiger Eye

Smoky quartz protects its owner from excessive energy that can harm them. This stone suits people who are very active in life and sometimes need to rest and relax. At the same time, the tiger's eye is a mineral that gives a person a lot of energy and courage. It is not recommended to wear these two stones together because they have opposite meanings. One of them tries to give you energy, while the other, on the contrary, reduce it.

4. Pure Quartz and Green Aventurine

These stones are incompatible because of the difference in action: the first stone gives you strength, while the second soothes and relaxes you.

5. Amazonite and Blue Tiger's Eye

Amazonite is often used for problems with insomnia. It helps you sleep well at night and fall asleep quickly. At the same time, Blue Tiger's Eye combined with Amazonite will not allow for a restful sleep, a person may even have prolonged trouble sleeping. 

IN ADDITINON... PLEASE BE AWARE of the following...

Anyone under the age of 17 years of age or 70 years old should NOT use Black Obsidian.


Pets- You can use a combination of healing crystals and gemstones to make a collar or tag for your pet. A crystal collar or tag can help promote well-being and healing while adding a stylish accessory to your pet's wardrobe. Another common option for your animals is by placing the crystals around the pet's living space.

While crystals can be incredibly helpful for pets, it is important to know that not all crystals are safe for animals. Certain crystals are poisonous if licked or ingested.

1. Malachite

Contains high levels of copper and can cause serious or fatal blood poisoning.

2. Cinnabar

Contains Lead

3. Peacock Ore

Toxic altogether



All bracelets are handmade and crafted with high quality Grade AAA 100% Ethically Sourced Natural Crystals. Due to the nature of crystals, all pieces will vary slightly in shape, size, color and pattern therefore, each crystal piece and bracelet is uniquely yours. 

Remove before exposure to water or chlorine. Avoid direct contact with products such as lotion, hairspray, makeup, and perfume. As with any jewelry, it is best to remove bracelets before sleeping and physical activity. It is best to roll bracelets over the wrist to help preserve the quality and stretch. Always remember to treat your bracelets gently with care and good  DIVINE vibes.

Please remember, in spite of our reinforced elastic (not plastic) stretch bands bracelets are designed to move freely around the wrist. Wearing your bracelets too tight can compromise the integrity of the stretch cord.